Looking for a Venue for your Party?
We have heaps of party venues & function rooms in Brisbane. All you have to do is go to the “My Party Details” page and tell us a few things about the type of party that you want. We will then use our years of experience to pick the most suitable venues for you! It’s that simple, fast & its free!
Partyhelp Brisbane can cater for any occasion, any budget and any number of people. We simply have that many venues to choose from!
We have assessed hundreds of party venues and function rooms in Brisbane so let us take the guess work and leg work out of finding the best value for money and most suitable venues for your party. Please go to the “My Party Details” page now.
Thank you for all your help – we have booked a venue in SouthBank for this year’s Christmas Party as advised by Party Help! Erica V
The perfect venue for my 21st!!! Stephanie S
I just wanted to say that your service is fantastic and such a big help! I found your summary of venue information to be clear, concise and easy to read, which is very important! James W